Soo's sister Angele, holding her youngest daughter Krystal, with the fiesty, elder Selena peeking in from the left corner, and Grandma Freda on the right.
Soo takes a picture of the Peter Pan wedding fairy, from Jonwa, her ex-roommate. Harry Flanigan and Dan Foley look on.
Sean, um, proudly displaying his new jewelry.
Sean, hamming it up for his new bride. ...either that or looking for a soul kiss...
Soo, posing sweetly for her new niece, Marcella.
Marcella, the lovely and talented niece of the bride and groom.
The one and only, Harry Joe Flanigan, Sean's wonderful father.
Dan and Suzi Foley, Sean's sister and brother-in-law. Many thanks to Dan's best friend for the lending of the suit!
Dan, giving his wife that "Yesss?" look.
"The Babe Shot". Ana Cunha, fiancee of the best man, Julie, the maid of honor, and Soo, the bride.
Sam, our best man, and his lovely Ana, who is resting her eyes. Don't disturb her!
Julie, the glowing, magnificent maid of honor and best friend, who gave the bride a run for her money in terms of style and grace on this day.