Adrian Sonnes and Mark Epstein pose for a modest shot.
Richard Threadgill, holding aloft the tiki tower of place cards.
Michael Threadgill, finding something amusing, and in the background, Matt Schwall.
Rachel Standish, sweetly posing for a picture for posterity.
Mark again, apparently threatening harm if the picture is taken.
Valerie Hall and Sabrina Cuddy, having a great time, one hopes.
Randy Auer, among the oldest friends of the bride and her brother, feigning surprise.
Jim Monday, a treasured friend of the bride, gives a smile for the stupid camera.
Mark, getting an eye full of flash. BLINK!
Michael, winning the prize for silliest face made in all our wedding pictures. How would you like me to ship that chili, Michael?
Valerie and Sabrina, in a very nice picture.